What We Do

What We Do

Since 1976, Walden Family Services has pioneered the philosophy that kids in foster care need the same support all kids do to thrive—a family and community who can help them develop the knowledge and skills to reach their full potential.

Foster Care & Adoption

Children and youth enter foster care when their families are not able to safely care for them. Walden’s foster care and adoption program enables infants and sibling groups, youth who identify as LGBTQ, teens and children with development disabilities, emotional and behavioral challenges, and special healthcare needs to grow up knowing the love and sense of community that living in a family provides.

Foster and adoptive resource families support and care for children until they can return to their family. When children cannot return to their birth family, Walden matches them with individuals and couples seeking to build their family through adoption. Child-family therapy, training and ongoing support facilitate the family’s adjustment through each stage of child and youth development.

Youth Services

As youth in foster care near adulthood, they need guidance to develop critical thinking, planning and decision making skills while honoring their natural desire for independence. Walden offers a transitional housing plus foster care program and an extended care program to assist young people in navigating the challenges they often confront after leaving foster care.

Parenting & Family Support

Our parenting classes help parents learn the necessary skills to nurture their children and relationships.

LGBTQ Services

In 2015, Walden was recognized by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation All Children – All Families initiative for our LGBTQ services, which promote cultural competency in serving foster children and youth who identify as LGBTQ, as well as LGBT individuals and couples interested in fostering and adoption.

Visit our training calendar for classes in your area.

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