

Walden Family Services social workers and staff support children and youth in foster care and their families throughout Southern California from offices in the following locations:

Corporate Office
8525 Gibbs Drive, Suite 100
San Diego CA 92123
T: (619) 584-5777

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Local Offices

Los Angeles County

Counties served:

  • Los Angeles County/
    San Fernando Valley
  • Southern Ventura County

Programs offered:

  • Foster care and adoption
  • Transitional housing plus foster care

Visit Location

Riverside County

Counties served:

  • Riverside County
  • San Bernardino County
  • Orange County
  • Inland Empire
  • North San Diego County
  • Eastern Los Angeles County

Programs offered:

  • Foster care and adoption
  • Transitional housing plus foster care

Visit Location

San Bernardino County

Counties served:

  • San Bernardino County

Programs offered:

  • Extended Care/Aftercare
  • Cal-Learn
  • Family Visiting
  • Nurturing Parenting/FAMILY Program
  • Mental Health Services

Visit Location

San Diego County

Counties served:

  • San Diego County
  • Imperial County

Programs offered:

  • Foster care and adoption
  • Transitional housing plus foster care

Visit Location

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Wish List

Walden accepts a variety of in-kind donations that support children youth and families. Check out our current wish list.

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